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Anant Gupta

Entropy, Progress and the meaning of life

Updated: Jul 18, 2021

This post was supposed to be a write-down of random thoughts but turned more philosophical than I thought it would.

Our bodies break down eventually. Sometimes even at a young age of 40 or 30. We don't get away from things like we used to when we were young (Yes I know I'm only 23 but still). Entropy is the word that came to mind. Everything degrades. It is all random chaos. But you know what, that is what makes it all so much fun. Everything is uncertain. You take a gamble on yourself. You keep pushing the boundaries of your mind and body because well, what else is there to do?

I've often seen people ask what is the meaning of life? It doesn't matter to me. We're here. There is no meaning. It is how it is. You make what you make of your time. We all have a duty to ourselves to do the best with what we got. To be the best role model for people around us. Or not. Just for yourself. But you have to keep pushing otherwise no point to doing nothing. Everyone will decay. Might as well live. Progress is the best way to live. No point is stalling.

I read somewhere that time is a circle. 100% agreed. Everything that you will do will come back. You choose to waste away your time. That waste will come back. You make good on your time. That will come back. "You reap what you sow" is true. Things won't always be fair, but eventually, we will pay our debts. Time extracts all. Entropy. Our job is to make sure we fight this even if we are bound to lose. Last longer. Have fun. Time. Progress. That may be the meaning of life. No one is coming to tell us what it is. There's isn't. It is just us. And what we make of it.


Sanjit Anand
Sanjit Anand
Jul 24, 2021

So you’re an absurdist, not an existentialist cause the construct that life has no meaning had no barring on you

Anant Gupta
Anant Gupta
Jul 25, 2021
Replying to

Unsure about the nomenclature but I guess. It is what it is.

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