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Anant Gupta

How to start your fitness journey (With or Without Equipment)

A lot of people don't know how to start their fitness journey. I hope this post helps.

Before getting started: What are your goals? What do you have access to? What can you get?

It is important to define your goals first. Do you want to be a very strong, healthy and big person. Do you want to be able to do insane stuff like one arm pullups, front lever, planche etc. Do you want to work without the gym or in the gym with equipment. Do you want to be super ripped (this post is not for you I don't know much about that). Do you want to be a just a simple healthy person, not interested in strength or bodyweight accomplishments? You can't do everything. You will have to make tradeoffs. For example, I had to leave my goal to get a pistol squat because I wanted to train for max strength. Priorities change and evolve. Some people can do both, most can't. So it is very important you know what you want before starting. You will also have to put in the work and do a lot of research yourself by browsing through all the content I have put in.

Important. DO NOT SKIP!

Adaptations and perfection: I had not originally written this but I figured this is important. When you pick a program from down below, you will see that you may not be able to do an exercise due to lack of equipment or your own skill. That is okay. We often don't do anything because we could not do one or two things. Don't be that person. For e.g. if the program says Dips but you don't have a place, you replace it with something else like more Push ups. If you can't find elevated surfaces for progressing in squats, you find something like a bag and fill it with books or other weight and then squat. If not, you keep doing bodyweight. Something is better than nothing. If you don't have time, instead of 3 sets, it is okay to do 1-2 sets. If the program says 10 reps and you can only do 7, it okay. If you feel like you need extra rest between sets, take it (but don't be lazy). Your exercise execution need not be perfect. You just need to put in your best effort. These are just guidelines, not set in stone bible sermons. If you can't do pullups, use a door and a bedsheet (given below). If you really can't, then skip it and move on to the next (not recommended, you can be creative and adapt). For help, feel free to make an anonymous account on reddit and ask stupid questions on the subreddits (linked below). The community is very supportive and has helped me a lot with my stupid questions.

1. Without equipment or with minimal equipment: If you don't want to use equipment, that is perfectly fine. Calisthenics (Bodyweight stuff) are great. It is harder to put on strength when you are doing calisthenics, but it can be done. Now, the good people of reddit have already done the work for me so I just compiled their work here. Here are some resources for you to get started:

Starting Out: Recommended Routine

Further: Index (don't be overwhelmed by what you see. Just pick one thing, browse

slowly and take your time)



Excellent Youtube Channels: Fitness FAQs, Calisthenic Movement, Red Delta

Books: Convict Conditioning, Never Gymless, Overcoming Gravity

2. With equipment: Once again, far more smarter people than me have already done the work. You just have to browse through what they have created:

Fitness Wiki (Pretty much contains everything you will ever need)

Subreddit (for questions and browsing more content)


Formcheck (I recommend posting lifting videos here to get feedback. Nice


Books: Starting Strength, SWEAT, Strong Medicine

3. Other things: I don't care what your goals are, you should be doing more cardio. Twice or thrice a day, the recommended time is 150 mins a week. There is no best form of cardio. Run, cycle or swim, whatever you want. It is easy. Take a walk. Eat as healthy as possible. It is not hard if you want to be healthy and fit. Fitness wiki has everything on nutrition.

Supplements: No need especially when you are starting out. You can get pretty much everything from a healthy diet. Just get a protein powder if you struggle with adequate protein intake. That is it.

Don't be overwhelmed. Just stay consistent and try to make small progressions. Get micro plates (0.5 or 1 kg plates) if you are going to the gym.

Choosing the right program: Once you set your goals and see templates on the wiki, you may be overwhelmed. Don't be. Just pick one that you like. The programs are time proven, put out by some of the very best in the industry and vetted by thousands of trainees, so you will be fine. Training doesn't have to be perfect or optimal, though we should strive for it. Just be consistent. Who cares otherwise? We learn as we go and apply training principles.

Scammers and Influencers: Another section I had to add later. The fitness industry is full of scammers and "influencers" who look good on IG or youtube but have no clue about real science of training. They'll call their stupid tips proven by science and show fancy gimmicky exercises online. Please stay from these people. They fear monger and basically imply that you need them cuz they have the "secret". I have linked good credible and scientific resources above. Always cross check from there. I've seen some ridiculous tips about fat loss and muscle building being thrown out by people who sounds like intellectuals. So if you don't know, just stick to what I have linked because these are some of the top people in the industry who have done real training and research. And accomplished real things in their field. Don't listen to someone just because they look good or show some skill, it may be luck and genetics rather than own knowledge.

Some tidbits if you are interested

This page contains almost everything you will ever need. Take some time and browse through the content of what I have put in. I wish you all the luck in your journey. Train with 10+ years in mind. I hope you get to elite status in 10 years. Even if you don't, well you will get pretty damn good. Will keep updating this article every once in a while when I feel like there is more to improve.


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