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Anant Gupta

I didn't feel like working out. I did. I am stronger

Updated: Apr 9, 2021

I originally published this on my medium blog. Creating an archive here

Photo by David Marcu on Unsplash

It was exactly a week ago I woke up feeling like crap. I didn’t feel like working out because for whatever reason I hadn’t slept well. I hated warming up and felt weak squatting. It was not good. I could not lift what I usually did and just felt like giving up. I could have given up and not worked out at all. Could have done this for the whole week. But I didn’t. Even though my form was bad and the weight was lighter, I completed the workout. The whole week went like this.

This is not what happened today. I woke up feeling normal. I completed my first set and to my surprise, I felt stronger than ever before. The weight felt lighter. I was in complete control and my whole body moved like one unit, in sync. I felt good. Stacked on more weight. Same. Then I hit a new PR, squatting more than I ever had. I felt so happy that I am writing this to boast about my PR.

Here’s my takeaway: I could’ve chosen to not workout the previous week. It would’ve been the easy way out. We are passionate about things but we have days where we feel down. There will be bad days. We can choose to not work. We can abandon those passions completely. But in my mind somewhere I had this notion that the work must continue. No matter what we do. No matter how bad we feel. Had I chosen to abandon my workout, there’s no way I could’ve hit a new personal record today. I chose to workout despite feeling bad. My performance was bad, but I continued because I love lifting. What we do on our bad days is what counts the most. We should continue our pursuit of betterment no matter what, in all things. I kept telling myself: The work must continue. I know that my lifts are nowhere close to world’s top powerlifters like Taylor Atwood nor they ever will be (On a relative basis, I am pretty weak despite my PR today). But I’d be damned if I don’t give it my all. Same goes for other avenues in life. You keep showing up. You keep going.

The work must continue.


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