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Random Ramblings #1

Anant Gupta

New series: Random compilation of thoughts & opinions of stuff around the world & in life.

  1. Honey: Never installed Honey because I always knew these things are scams. But I thought it would be stealing my data, did not anticipate that it'd just claim sales & not even work properly. None of this is surprising.

  2. Commodity Stocks might to okay?

  3. Interesting bit:

  4. Call me a nerd, but I'd love to see Twitter's financials

  5. Ronaldo saying Ligue 1 is shit & Saudi is better is bullshit. Come on man now we are just talking shit for the sake of it

  6. Never buying a Rolex

  7. I absolutely do not like the price action in Indian equities at all. Don't see much upside for 2025.

  8. This is me btw

  9. Racist discourse: As a young kid, like maybe 5 or 6, someone called me "Baniya chor", which means thief. The basic concept was they assumed I was a miser because of my last name, "caste" & also must be a thief Never really understood it. Have faced a few instances of this but not prominent. However I have seen first hand Indians discriminate against other castes & religions. Even my own family. The most tolerant people I interacted with are whites. I don't really have a point here, I guess we all have long ways to go & discrimination is very real. Humans are tribal. I doubt this will ever go away. People get indoctrinated when they are young. Few are able to break away & realize it is all bullshit. It is what it is. Play the game with honor.

  10. Career advice: Learn Math & Science. Be very good at your job. Be the man (or woman). Upskill. Also learn econ & basic finance atleast. Bonus: be a good human being & do not abandon morals.

  11. Fun question: If Bitcoin eventually defeats fiat, how does the world measure Bitcoin’s price changes in the future? Answer: Not fun, it will fail & cause great damage. This one is accurate

  12. GRRM is never finishing his book.

  13. Normalise 24 hr gyms

  14. Bring back offline music. I don't sub to Spotify anymore.

  15. "Among the Poor there is also a strong class hierarchy, and they are absolutely nasty to each other" It is just human nature huh?

  16. This was funny

  17. Religious beliefs don't matter. Atheists can be dipshits. Religious people from any religion can be dipshits. Humans are dipshits If everyone had one religion we'd fight over something else. Which we do? Race, caste system, class wars. Fighting over resources. Similarly you have good people regardless of their beliefs. We need them. Even if the entire world abandons its principles, I'd like to believe few good people would resist.

  18. India will never become a manufacturing powerhouse.

  19. Renewables

  20. I am not ever investing in Europe

  21. I rate this

  22. Oil is so annoying to keep up with.

  23. Drug use in Banking is overstated. Like way too much.

  24. I have NEVER seen a chubby girl get fit & keep fit and I have been doing this a while. Maybe like 1 or 2. They are probably 1 in a mill. Dudes on the other hand, seen plenty.

  25. Cold showers are overrated. Been doing them for 8 years I think. Or 7.

  26. Barcelona fans are banned from my funeral. Period.

  27. Yes

  28. Yes. Being unfit & eating shit is disgusting. I'd be ashamed & want to kill myself. Sucks to be you if you are all those things. You are an adult, grow up. It is your responsibility.

  29. Many such cases

  30. Protein requirements: People saying oh it is easy just eat so much meat & eggs are kind of out of touch. Most people cannot eat that much meat, eggs & whatever & need other food as well to balance. It is HARD. But you should still stuff protein, atleast 150g+++

  31. Trainer at the gym had a phone with a price chart open in one hand & helping train a client with another

  32. CEO Killing: Ok serious one. Absolute moral bankruptcy was witnessed by me online. This tweet says it pretty well:

    "What the CEO killing should make people realize is there are a segment of people in our society that will absolutely celebrate the death of you and your family if you happen to be part of the wrong class, have the wrong job, or belong to the wrong identity group. These people are focused in academia, the media, and a few other industries dominated by the far-left. There is a dehumanization element to it. A health insurance executive didn’t commit a crime that would justify seeing them as evil, but that’s how they view him because they don’t like the current system. And among the far-left, being part of the system they hate justifies anything you do to him. But it doesn’t end with health insurance CEOs. That logic will expand to millions of other Americans. A politician opposes green new deal legislation? Evil. A landlord evicts someone for not paying rent? Evil. A man steps in and defends others under attack from an actual criminal on a subway? Evil. You’re a cop? Evil. You’re an Israeli? Evil You served in the military? Evil. There is no limiting principle here. If you’re part of a system they don’t agree with, they will justify violence against you. That’s what the weekly pro-terror marches in NYC are really about. And people better start to recognize it because the mainstreaming of that view is absolutely a threat to a future America that protects individual rights and economic freedom."

    The people swooning over this are pure bottom barrel evil. There is "healthcare" debate. This was murder. Plain & Simple.

    "violence is never the answer," they say as the mob drags you down the street. "violence only begets more violence, but," they say as they gather their stones. "speak with your heart, not with your fists," they say as they bludgeon you to death.

    "do you understand what happens to a society so totally lost to darkness of this kind? do you think there won’t be a reaction? or it will be limited to your enemies only? we are teetering here on the brink of hell. there is no room for nuance. zero tolerance for psychopathy." some good thoughts on this from Mic Solana

  33. Lol

  34. I should explore Polymarket

  35. Consulting. I kid you not, those guys tell stories from cherry picked data that would beat any fictional writer. I know because I am friends with some of them. Would never trust their reports after what I have seen

  36. My friend took his sister shopping for her wedding the other day & he was traumatized

  37. USD won't wreck any EM currencies like Yuan or Euro. Maybe INR & BRL.

  38. Trump trade is over. I have reduced Equity Exposures.

  39. Indians wanting Dedollarisation are idiots. Be careful what you wish for.

  40. hahhahahhahahah

  41. hahaahahahhahahahah

  42. Some of you need this reminder: We get the government we deserve

  43. A lot of pros here seem to think QE is dead & won't come back. I beg to differ. It will be back. When? No idea. But it will come back. Not because CBs are evil & shit, but because that is how the world rolls

  44. Yep, what is the trade?

  45. He missed Hyperinflation

    Alright, this was fun. Lets run it back sometime.


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