Random compilation of thoughts & opinions of stuff around the world & in life.

Going to try & make this a monthly thing.
Long risk in Feb.
This is a good song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGizdfziqCs&feature=youtu.be
Budget day: The big ticket item people were talking about was taxes. It does not really impact me, but worth discussing. The govt want to incentivize spending but methinks the effects will be marginal. That money goes to stocks & Real Estate. Not a bad thing for stocks. Prices drives narrative. India is losing the information war as I noted earlier. This will help. Information wars are real. We need to fight the enemy always. Also, taxes are not a bad thing! Only morons think this. The real estate high prices will be bad news for young people though.
Ok more on taxes. People complain about bad infra & bad governance & no benefits. They miss the point. You pay taxes to help fund the bad infra & bad governance sure, but it will be even worse if you let govt officials basically print & borrow money to line their pockets. With taxes there is some accountability. Most of the stealing is from bribes anyway. Regardless, corruption is a cultural problem. You get the govt you deserve. Things are not black & white. We as a collective society are ultimately responsible for our own fates. No one is coming to save us. Don't like paying taxes? Go to some oil country. If you don't help fund freebies to the poor, the poor will come for you. Corrupt law & order is better than none. Which is what happens if there is no central authority. Which is made of people like us. Taxes come from economy's own productivity. They provide value to the currency. Help support it. They curb inflation. Public services are important! Even if bad. The alternative is worse.
Neymar is going back to Santos. Bale & Neymar could have been so, so much more. Great careers, but still feel like failures given what they could do & could've done. Makes you appreciate Messi & Ronnie even more.
Deepseek bear market did not last long.
I hate Oil.
True again
Been reading Natenburg & more stuff online just to learn more about options. Not going to pretend to understand all of it, but interesting stuff. Might use them as a hedge in the future as I refine my style & try new shit. Complete noob in that world.
British & some Indians deny the horrors & atrocities done by the Brits in India. Sad really. But obviously they won't admit it. That leaves them on the hook to repatriate. Don't want that. Or to feel the guilt. It is human nature to oppress I suppose. Evil is real.
Most people cannot do this & I agree with Ray. Only genetic freaks. You should train though.
Deepseek is a cool name but I have found GPT a better model. No limit tho on DS which is good.
BOJ was a nothing. I predicted it lol.
Gold help us
Just do cardio man
This guy is rich so anybody can make it. I am pissed that I am not as rich as this guy lol
China was right to ban crypto.
I am getting mails to apply for SDE roles.
Yeah India needs to do better
This is because the prop stuff is not out in the open btw. Which is why they cannot train on them.
I cannot believe XRP had a good run in Jan 2025.
Might watch Daredevil.
European stocks are running wth.
Global airline map is cool
El Salvador's crackdown on crime should be studied. Ugly, but sometimes ends justify means.
If you follow someone's trade recommendation blindly, no matter how pro they are, you are still responsible for the results. Be it gains (good for you) or losses. Do not absolve yourself following someone.
I can't be asked lol
Armchair macro take: There will be no "Japanification" of China.
Taleb's best work is Bed of Procrustes.
It is a moral failure of society to normalize drinking alcohol & eating junk.
PM Modi is doing pods now. Useful idiots these podcasters.
Repeat after me: Almost nobody believes in the "freedom" of speech. They believe in enforcement & discussion of their own beliefs. The notion to entertain conflicting ideas as their own ideas may be wrong is not welcome. Indoctrination is real.
I would try to buy Greenland to be fair. Why not.
Nobody cares about Burry's portfolio anymore?
Both good points
The dunking on Brian Johnson is forced. Sure some of his stuff seems over the top but he seems like a good dude trying stuff. Nothing wrong with it. This is what men were meant to do.
Haven't skipped a workout since Jan 2024. No breaks, constant improvement.
McDonald's should start serving alcohol.
All right. Enough for this month. Will run this back later in March start.