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Anant Gupta

Some advice I would give to my younger self

While we won't be able to advise our younger selves, it is still fun (or tragic) to ponder upon what we did wrong

I am sure we all have our own regrets on the things we wish we had done when we were young. Things we could tell our younger self to do. Here's what I would tell myself:

Hit the gym, eat more protein: Who could've seen that coming huh? I wish I had started lifting earlier at age 14-15. Eaten more protein. These years are the best years to build a base. You see amazing returns at that age. It is good for your health and these things will pay off for a lifetime. There's a stupid myth that continues to persist that lifting will hinder height and whatnot, but it is all false. Don't know why or where it started. Anyways, it is good to start earlier. I used to worry that it is expensive, this, that, but now I've realized it is all a farce. Nothing is worth compromising your health over. I wish I had put less emphasis on grades and whatever (mostly) useless stuff we were doing in school.

Trade: Like the gym, I used to think this trading financial securities stuff is for later in life. But the earlier you dip your toes, the better your understanding of money and markets will be if you keep going. No need to invest huge sums. Just small amounts. Get a feel of these things. Money is important. Learn to manage it.

Learn Math, Physics and Coding: Straight up blaming others for this. I was always fascinated by these things, but the whole thing became nothing more than a grind for grades and I had to give up. "Experts" advised me that I didn't need to learn coding. "Just take commerce and you'll be fine." I took the shallow advice. Now I am exploring my fascination with these things on my own, but there's so little time. The world runs on code. I wish I had taken more time to learn something like Python or fundamentals of coding. Learned more Math and Science. These things are awesome. Even if I wasn't planning a full fledged career in these things, it is fundamental to learn this stuff on your own. It is everywhere around us.

There are no heroes: I have a theory on where the idea of gods and religions comes from. It goes like this: We all want to have heroes. The perfect person who knows it all, has all the answers, one who will save us. That person will have solutions to everything.

Eventually, our ancestors realized that this person did not exist. Maybe they put people up on pedestals because we need to believe in leaders. Somewhere along the line it all evolved into the idea of gods and creator of the universe. To find meaning to life (This is all just my made up theory).

Anyways, below tweet of mine sums up what I am trying to say:

No one knows anything. I wish younger me knew this. I took advice from people at face value because I thought they knew what they were saying. But they don't. Take their advice, but use your own brain. Analyze all info. At the end of the day, it is your life and your consequences. Maybe the people advising you have good intentions, but we're all living in our own self-ignorance bubble (that is what I call it). There are no heroes. There are no perfect beings. Just work and figure out. Don't fall for the narratives that others are trying to sell you.

This is it. This is what I would advise my younger self.

1 Comment

Aayush Agarwal
Aayush Agarwal
Jul 31, 2021

Fascinating Anant, I could exactly echo to each of your advice :)

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